Our Children’s House students range from 18 months to 6 years old. Our small student-teacher ratio of 5:1 in toddlers (18 months - 3 years) and 8: 1 in Casa (2.5 years - 6 years) enables each child to receive the personalized attention and support required to meet their learning needs.
The Children’s House learning program is based on the Montessori philosophy. Building on their innate curiosity and eagerness, children are encouraged to explore at their own pace, enhancing their capacity for independent learning while being gently guided by expert direction. Children are urged to observe and learn from environmental stimuli and their natural inquisitiveness incites and engages their senses.
To help us embrace each child’s eagerness and gently harness this energy to support cognitive and creative development, our programming is driven by core principles such as respect for oneself and others, awareness of our surroundings, and problem solving; all of which are taught in a child friendly environment.
We know the importance of learning French as a second language and have a specialist teaching our Toddler and Casa students.
Our amenities include: a multi-purpose activity room, indoor and outdoor play areas including a toddler only area, a learning garden and a gym. Our kitchen is equipped with trained personnel who prepare fresh and nutritious food daily. Children attending our full day programs receive two snacks and a hot lunch to keep them energized and motivated. As safety is paramount, we are a nut free school.
The school day begins at 8:30 a.m. for the Children’s House community. Extended care is available from 7-8:30 a.m. and from 4-6 p.m. If extended care is required, please refer to the admissions section for further details.