4 Reasons Summer Camp is Important | Ashwood Glen School | Burlington

4 Reasons Summer Camp is Important

4 Reasons Why Summer Camp is Important

4 Reasons Why Summer Camp is Important

4 Reasons Summer Camp is Important

Once school closes for summer, children are still in the processing of developing new skills, and learning
through opportunities. Not only that, but summer is a great opportunity for children to embark on new
adventures and have fun.

If you are planning on sending your child to summer camp, you can expect your child to enjoy many
benefits of summer camp including:

The opportunity to learn in different ways

Summer camps are an opportunity for children to learn valuable life skills and lessons, in a different
setting than a classroom. With more of a focus on outdoor, indoor, arts & crafts, (and more), children are able to continue their learning but in a different (more fun) way!

Learning teamwork

Many of the themes at summer camp involve a great deal of team-based activities which allow children
to develop and focus on their interpersonal and character-related skills. Not only do children learn to work in a team setting during summer camp, but they develop skills that
they will draw on long after summer camp is finished.

Enjoying outdoor fun

Children spend 9 months of the year learning indoors in a classroom setting; summer camps, especially
when they are at the school they attend, are a great way to include lots of outdoor activities that allow
children to enjoy the fresh year and the summertime sun.

Discovering new hobbies

At Ashwood Glen, we believe in balancing personal wellbeing and achievement. Our programs help students navigate and build mutually beneficial relationships and character traits. While academic achievement is strongly encouraged, students are also nurtured and supported to reach objectives at their own pace using a variety of resources and methodologies.

At Ashwood Glen, our camps are led by skilled enthusiasts who follow a weekly theme and include arts
& crafts, indoor & outdoor play, music, dance and more!

Not only will children be able to continue learning new skills, but they will also be able to grow their self
esteem and confidence from discovering talents, new hobbies and excelling in them.

By offering extended day sessions, our camps are held in our newly built campus and offer an
abundance of activities and learning opportunities for children aged 18-6 years.

Weekly Themes:

  • Week 1: July 5-9: New Adventure
  • Week 2: July 12-16: Magical Wizard
  • Week 3: July 19-23: Raving Robotics Camping Madness
  • Week 4: July 16-30: Camping Madness
  • Week 5: August 2-6: Burolympics
  • Week 6: August 9-13: Mini Picassos
  • Week 7: August 16-20: Music Mania
  • Week 8: August 23-27: Carnival Time

So, if you are still thinking about registering your child for an amazing 2021 summer camp, let us
know! Learn more at https://www.ashwoodglen.com/summer-camps/

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