Spring Break Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School

Spring Break Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School

Spring Break Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School

Spring Break Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School

Spring Break Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School

Spring break camp at Ashwood Glen private school was an absolute blast! We had so much fun with each and every one of our students, and I know they did too. Below is a recap of the activities we enjoyed:

During the first week, our toddler students created headbands, got hands-on with a special Sensory bin, made rainbow art for St. Patrick’s Day, some painted their clay fossils, and we made a Nature Sensory bottle from the items we collected earlier in the week. We explored more with colourful ribbons and rings outside, played music on various containers, and did our Pot of Gold bean bag rainbow toss! 🌈 

Spring Break Camp Activities

We saw and heard some Canada geese, sea gulls, squirrels and crows and talked about what they sounded like, what they ate, and where their homes might be.  

We also got to explore building materials, nature, and more Sensory experiences in our last few days of Camp. We used empty boxes and containers to fill and empty with fabrics and small items, then tried to build Community structures such as a hospital, school or fire station. The children loved the Doctor kit and items we brought in to label and show. We washed vegetable and fruit objects, painted with real fruits/vegetables while looking at some seeds from an apple, peach and cherry tomato, as well as made and played with snow dough which was messy but very exciting.

Spring Break Activities

Our Casa students did so many fun activities throughout spring camp – from painting techniques to decorating bird houses, musical instruments to multi-cultural dancing, and clay/playdough manipulation! We have had some fun outdoors also, through extending learning with textures, music, and sensory experiences.

Spring Break Activities 1

During the second week, we started the week learning about sea and land animals, then we made play dough, slime, we cooked pizzas and we did a science experiment today, called “walking water activity” where they could learn about primary and secondary colours.

We had two amazing weeks with these guys and we’re already excited about next year’s Spring break camp at Ashwood Glen private school.

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