Summer Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School Part 2

Summer Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School Part 2

Summer Camp Recap part 2

Summer Camp Recap part 2

Summer Camp at Ashwood Glen Private School Part 2

The first two weeks of Summer break camp at Ashwood Glen private school were so fun! In the last blog, we covered the first two weeks, and in this blog we will cover the rest of Summer Camp 2022! 

We’ve been having an absolute blast! It’s so fun to see children become confident, and learn to work together through fun activities. The sunshine and snacks help too!

Below is a recap of the activities we enjoyed:

Third Week – Raving Robotics!

Our Toddlers loved making playdough, prints of robots on the playdough with blocks, dancing, and playing with Lego’s. Our Casa students focused around creating their own inventions, buildings, robots and contraptions! The children got a chance to explore with various items and loose parts, like cups, popsicle sticks, clothespins and made their own versions of robots throughout the week. They also used building blocks of different sizes, shapes, and explored with magnet buildings. 

The fun didn’t end there… They also made frisbees, spinners, and some catapults to test out, along with enjoying delicious popsicles at the end of our VERY busy (but fun) week.

New adventures week at summer camp
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Fourth Week – Camping Madness

We enjoyed every moment of our ‘Camping Madness’ week!

To end off the week, our Casa students wore their pajamas to go camping in our playground. There was a ton of exploration with bugs, nature and they made some fun tents to go with our pretend campfire. We also listened to nature sounds for our meditation music and camping songs. We painted rocks and collected nature items to make our own insects out of them. The children played basketball and did a bean bag relay. We made watermelon fans to cool off in the summer weather. The children also made lion faces, and log cabins/structures as well, and we tasted our rice Krispy treats. 

Our toddler students had a lot of fun by doing different activities and these will be very helpful for their overall growth and development. We explored with different creatures of nature specially insects like butterflies or ladybugs by listening and learning the names of insects, watched a video clip about some common insects that we often find in our backyards or parks. Moreover, we had extreme fun outside by riding bikes, playing with hoopla hoops and more!

Wizard week at summer camp
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Fifth Week – Mini Picassos

The week of summer camp was very busy and interesting for our friends. They were super busy in different activities like- sponge painting plates, pasting pasta on their initials, made medals for themselves, water play, free play and more fun during different outdoor and indoor activities.

They have so much imagination and were able to express this with a variety of mediums of their choosing, with clay, origami, salt painting, weaving, and even fruit creations! Bean mosaics were so much fun and our nail salon artwork had creative designs. At the end of our week, we had the children show their creations to one another and tell us what they made. Many of our friends ate their fruit creations and laughed as they tried to make something new.

The children also made obstacle courses to explore together, enjoyed Rainbow tag, and created roads for our vehicles inside. The water day went well as well. with spinning discs, buckets and sponges.

Mini Picassos Week at Summer Camp
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Sixth Week – Music Mania

Music Mania week was full of dance, rhythm and excitement!

The children chose to make their own instruments such as the spin drums, mini rain sticks, drums, guitars, ribbon cheer sticks, didgeridoos, and pan flutes.

They also experienced playing other instruments like the cymbals, tambourine, rhythm sticks, bells, and danced with the colourful scarves to various types of music.

We got to play chalk twister, jump frog racing, bubble fun with the sprinkler and listened to meditation music and did artwork to different music genres. We played a sound/musical guessing game with xylophone music as well.

Music Mania week - Summer Camp
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Seventh Week – Carnival Time

During the last week, we had great fun with our Carnival fun-themed activities!

We made a banner together and talked about what kinds of things happen at the Carnival. The children loved trying to make balloon animals. They also made dream catchers, masks, clown faces, sock puppets, and a fancy shirt designed by each one of them to take home as a memory of the time we spent at Camp together. To end off our day, we had a popcorn snack and a freezie after our morning fun in the Bouncy castle.

Our friends chose to get a face painting design also of their choosing, or a design on their hand/arm. We also played ring toss, had water play fun with bubbles and balloons, bowling and dancing together all week long.

Our toddlers had fun doing different activities like use of dabbers to make rings, discs, bike races, building blocks, fabric painting on shirts, stickets and more!

Carnival Time week at Summer Camp
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We can’t thank you enough for letting us be part of your child’s Summer experiences.
Have a safe and happy rest of the Summer!

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